July 2024, the exchange rate of Sulawesi Barat farmers was 146.99. Decrease 1.06 % compared to June 2024 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mamuju Tengah Regency

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July 2024, the exchange rate of Sulawesi Barat farmers was 146.99. Decrease 1.06 % compared to June 2024

Release Date : August 1, 2024
File Size : 0.76 MB


  • NTP is the ratio of It to Ib which is used to show the exchangeability (terms of trade) of agricultural products for goods and services consumed as well as for production costs. The higher the NTP, the relatively stronger the level of ability/purchasing power of farmers.

  • Starting January 2020, the base year was changed in calculating the Price Index Received by Farmers (It) and the Price Index Paid by Farmers (Ib) from the base year 2012=100 to the base year 2018=100. These two types of index are components in calculating the Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP). This change in base year was made to adjust to changes in production patterns, production costs and consumption of agricultural households in rural areas. In the base year 2018=100, there was an increase in the number of commodities in both It and Ib commodity packages compared to the base year 2012=100.

  • Sulawesi Barat NTP in July 2024 was 146.99 or down 1.06 percent compared to NTP in June 2024 which was 148.56. The decrease in NTP is caused by the decrease in It which is faster than the decrease in Ib. It was recorded to have fallen by 2.21 percent and Ib to have fallen by 1.17 percent.

  • NTP by subsector was recorded for the Food Crops Subsector (NTP-P) 102.25; Horticulture Subsector (NTP-H) 106.64; Community Plantation Plantation Subsector (NTP-R) 192.62; Livestock Subsector (NTP-T) 94.79; and Fisheries Subsector (NTN-P) 98.03.

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