During December 2023 the export value of Sulawesi Barat Province reached US $ 61.93 million and the import value of Sulawesi Barat Province reached US $ 0.27 million - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mamuju Tengah Regency

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During December 2023 the export value of Sulawesi Barat Province reached US $ 61.93 million and the import value of Sulawesi Barat Province reached US $ 0.27 million

Release Date : February 1, 2024
File Size : 5.27 MB


  • The export value of Sulawesi Barat Province in December 2023 reached US $ 61.93 million, up 81.66 percent compared to November 2023. The same condition compared to December 2022 where there was an increase of 29.42 percent.

  • Animal/Vegetable Oil is a major export commodity in Sulawesi Barat Province during December 2023 with a contribution of 93.41 percent of the total exports of Sulawesi Barat Province.

  • China became the largest destination country for the export of Sulawesi Barat Province during December 2023 with a contribution of 55.71 percent.

  • Cumulatively, the export value of Sulawesi Barat Province rose by 4.33 percent, from US $ 496.54 million (January-December 2022) to US $ 475.95 million (January-December 2023).

  • During December 2023, the value of imports of goods to the Province of Sulawesi Barat was US $ 0.27 million or decreased by 67.20 percent compared to November 2023.

  • Cumulatively, the import value of Sulawesi Barat Province rose by 249.37 percent, from US $ 3.75 million (January-December 2022) to US $ 13.12 million (January-December 2023).

  • Foreign Trade Statistics Data, is the result of compilation of trade transaction data between countries, both export and import transactions. Export statistical data is a realization data from trading transactions sourced in the Export Notification Document (PEB). Whereas import statistical data, sourced from the goods import notification document (PIB). The document was approved by the Customs and Excise and Excise Services Office (KPPBC). In its preparation, the type of commodity is grouped based on the Harmonized System (HS) classification as in the Indonesian Customs Rates (BTKI). Besides that, it also contains information about trade transportation traffic in the port of export goods to the destination country and the port of unloading from the country of origin of imported goods.

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