August 2023: Unemployment Rate (TPT) in Sulawesi Barat dropped to 2.27 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mamuju Tengah Regency

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August 2023: Unemployment Rate (TPT) in Sulawesi Barat dropped to 2.27 percent

Release Date : November 6, 2023
File Size : 1.36 MB


  • The number of workforce in August 2023 was 760.28 thousand people, up 10.83 thousand people compared to August 2022. Meanwhile the Labor Force Participation Rate decreased 1.95 percent points to 71.05 in August 2023.

  • August 2023 Open Unemployment (TPT) rate of 2.27 percent, down 0.07 percent points compared to August 2022.

  • The residents who worked as many as 743.01 thousand people, increased by 11.11 thousand people compared to August 2022. Jobs that experienced the largest percentage of the government administration, defense and compulsory security sector (1.67 percent points). While the sectors that experienced the biggest decline were the agricultural, forestry and fisheries sectors (1.99 percent points).

  • As many as 73.35 percent (544.98 thousand people) worked in informal activities, down 3.90 percent points compared to August 2022.

  • The percentage of unemployed workers fell by 2.62 percent of points, meanwhile the percentage of part -time workers increased by 1.68 percent points compared to August 2022.

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