Consument Tendency Index in Sulawesi Barat, 2nd Quarter 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mamuju Tengah Regency

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Consument Tendency Index in Sulawesi Barat, 2nd Quarter 2018

Release Date : August 6, 2018
File Size : 0.36 MB


Generally, consument economic condition in SulawesiBarat at 2nd Quarter 2018 increase compared thanprevious quarter, with CTI value amount of 123,11. 

Consument Tendency Index (CTI) Sulawesi Barat at2nd Quarter 2018 amount of 123,11, meaning thatconsument economic condition increase than previousquarter. 

Increase of consument economic condition at 2nd quarter2018 in Sulawesi Barat because there is increased ofconsument economic at all component maker. 

If compare with other province in Sulampua, CTI ofSulawesi Barat at 5th position. The highest CTI amount of133,20 in Gorontalo and the lowest in Sulawesi Tengahamount of 109,80. 

CTI value in Sulawesi Barat at 3rd quarter 2018 estimated as much as 102,28, meaning that consument economiccondition will in good condition than 2nd quarter 2018. 

Consument optimism to accept 3rd quarter 2018estimated will be lower 20,83 point than 2nd quarter2018.
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