Gini Rasio Maret 2018 di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mamuju Tengah Regency

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Gini Rasio Maret 2018 di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat

Release Date : July 16, 2018
File Size : 0.38 MB


At March 2018, people inequality level of expenditure in Sulawesi Barat Province that measured by Gini Ratio was 0,370. This number increased 0,030 point while compared to Gini Ratio on September 2017 that was 0,339. Menawhile, if compared to Gini Ratio on March 2017 was 0,371, Gini Ratio on March 2018 decrease 0,016 point. 

Gini Ratio in urban area at March 2018 was 0,421 that increased while comparing to Gini Ratio on September 2017 that was 0,392 and Gini Ratio on March 2017 was 0,424. Meanwhile, Gini Ratio in rural area at Maret 2018 was 0,335 that increased comparing to Gini Ratio on September 2017 was 0,299 and Gini Ratio on March 2017 was 0,323. 

On September 2018, poeple expenditure group distribution is the lowest 40 percent is 18,58 percent. This mean is people expenditure still in lower inequality level category. If specified by area, in urban area the number is 15,53 percent that mean include in middle inequality level category. While rural area the number is 20,00 percent that mean include in lower inequality level category.
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