Farmer Terms of Trade June 2018 in Sulawesi Barat Province - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mamuju Tengah Regency

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Farmer Terms of Trade June 2018 in Sulawesi Barat Province

Release Date : July 2, 2018
File Size : 0.52 MB


Sulawesi Barat Farmers Terms of Trade on June 2018 was 112,17; decrease 1,02 percent than on May 2018 Period. Furthermore, FToT by subsector was registered for crops subsector (NTP-P) 98,85; horticulture subsector (NTP-H) 113,69; plantation subsector (NTP-R) 124,83; animal husbandry subsector (NTP-T) 105,71; and fisheries subsector (NTN) 106,62. 

The result of consument price monitoring in rural area that shows the rural inflation in Sulawesi Barat on June 2018 was 0,20 percent, that generally triggered by increased index of expenditure group. 

Inflation in rural area that happen at 26 province in Indonesian, the highest in Sulawesi Tenggara 1,26 percent and the lowest in Bali 0,10 percent. While, seven province was rural deflation, the highest in Sumatera Barat 0,66 percent and the lowest in NTT 0,08 percent. Sulawesi Barat at ranks 22th from 26 province that happen rural inflation. 

For national scale, Farmers Terms of Trade on June 2018 is 102,04; increased 0,05 percent than May 2018, and rural inflation amount of 0,33 percent.
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