The Overview of Room Occupancy Rate and Transportation in Sulawesi Barat Province, January 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mamuju Tengah Regency

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The Overview of Room Occupancy Rate and Transportation in Sulawesi Barat Province, January 2018

Release Date : March 1, 2018
File Size : 0.51 MB


Room occupancy rate of Star Hotel in Sulawesi Barat on January 2018 was 36,86 percent. That ROR increased 0,55 percent than December 2017 that was registered 36,31 percent. 

Average length of stay foreign at Star Hotel on January 2018 period 0 day or not changed, while compare than December 2017 that registered 0 day or not foreign guest at Star Hotel on January 2018. 

Number of flight that departure and arrive through Tampa Padang Airport in Mamuju and Sumarorong Airport in Mamasa, Sulawesi Barat Province on January 2018 is 292 times flight. This number decrease amount of 2,67 percent while compared with December 2017 that registered 300 times flight. 

Number of voyages through port in Sulawesi Barat at January 2018 period is 168 ships unit, increase amount of 15,07 percent while compare with December 2017 period amount of 146 ships unit.
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