Economic of Sulawesi Barat 1st quarter 2017 growth positively 7.48 percent (q to q); 7.38 percent (y on y) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mamuju Tengah Regency

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Economic of Sulawesi Barat 1st quarter 2017 growth positively 7.48 percent (q to q); 7.38 percent (y on y)

Release Date : December 25, 2017
File Size : 0.41 MB


Table 1 Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP)  Sulawesi Barat at Current Market Price and 2010 Constant Market Price (Billion Rupiahs) by Industry, 1st,3rd, 4th  Quarter 2016, and 1st  Quarter 2017

Table 2 Structure of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP)  Sulawesi Barat by Industry, 1st,3rd, 4th  Quarter 2016, and 1st  Quarter 2017

Table 3 Growth of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP)  Sulawesi Barat at 2010 Constant Market Price (Percent) by Industry 1st Quarter 2017

Table 4 Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP)  Sulawesi Barat at Current Market Price and 2010 Constant Market Price (Billion Rupiahs) by Type of Expenditure 

Table 5 Growth of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP)  Sulawesi Barat  by Type of Expenditure Base 2010  (Percent) 3rd  Quarter 2016

Table 6 Structure of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP)  Sulawesi Barat  by Type of Expenditure (Percent) 2nd – 3rd Quarter 2015, and 2nd – 3rd Quarter 2016
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