March 2017, Farmers’ Terms of Trade in Sulawesi Barat was 105.44 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mamuju Tengah Regency

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March 2017, Farmers’ Terms of Trade in Sulawesi Barat was 105.44

Release Date : December 25, 2017
File Size : 0.44 MB


Table 1 Farmers’ Terms of Trade in Sulawesi Barat by Subsector February - March 2017 and Percentage of Change (2012=100)

Table 2 Terms of Trade for Farm Households Business in Sulawesi Barat by Subsector and Percentage of Change February - March 2017 (2012=100)

Table 3 Rural Inflation by Group April 2016 – March 2017 (2012=100)

Table 4 Farmers’ Terms of Trade By Province in Sulawesi and Percentage of Change
Maret 2017 (2012=100)

Table 5 Percentage of Change Rural Consumer Price Indices by Province in Sulawesi, Maret 2017 (2012=100)
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