Consumer Price Index/Inflation Rate in Sulawesi Barat Province, November 2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mamuju Tengah Regency

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Consumer Price Index/Inflation Rate in Sulawesi Barat Province, November 2017

Release Date : December 25, 2017
File Size : 0.39 MB


According to Consumer Price Survey Result that 82 cities in Indonesian at November 2017, indicate that 68 cities was inflation and 14 was deflation. The highest inflation rate was happen in Singaraja 1,80 percent with CPI 138,11 dan the lowest in Bekasi and Palopo there are 0,02 percent, Mamuju ranks occupy 13th from 68 cities that was happen inflation. 

Inflation in Mamuju City at November 2017 was happen because there is increased price that show by increased of price index at five expenditure group there are food stuff 1,63 percent; prepared food, beverage, cigarette and tobacco 0,01 percent; housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel 0,07 percent; clothing 0,19 percent; and group of transport, communication and financial service 0,04 percent. While health expenditure group relatively stable or not change. 

The rate of index change of calender year, November 2017 in Mamuju was inflation 3,18 percent while change of index year on year (November 2017 to November 2016) was inflation 4,19 percent.
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